Europe on the Brain
Only because I'm now writing an International Relations theory paper on European Integration; ask me about it sometime, its fascinating.
Swam this am: also did this workout last friday. It might be my new favourite. Hurts so good.
3 by 300 warmup as 300 pull, 300 kick, 300 drill
then 3 times this as main set:
2 by 50 as 25 hard 25 smooth on 1:15
300 GRP on 4:45 (about 20 sec rest, more if I go faster)
300 GRP on 4:45
300 pull/paddles set rest = 1 min
Been logging alot of bike miles since last week.
Friday was 3 hours, sat and sunday were two hours each really fast. Monday was 15k mountain run. Yesterday was 2 hours at faster than my normal Olympic distance race pace.
Because I have had to spend time on the computer writing, I have had to cut down riding times. So to balance, intensity must go up. Back up to big volume tomorrow, 4 hours +.
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