Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ah... development

Went for a ride this afternoon after work. I had a three hour mountain bike ride programmed so I decided to head out into the back roads around Victoria and visit some of my favourite trails.

About an hour into my ride I came across something totally unexpected: a road, or the beginnings of one, where no road should be. Victoria is experiencing an unprecendented housing boom. Every available pocket of land is being bought up to be built up. I am all for people having somewhere to live. But I wonder why they want to live in this area that I ride in.

Our best area for mountain biking in Victoria is known as The Dump. It isn't some clever name dreamt up by extreme dudes on extreme bikes. No, in our case its literal. We ride on the city's garbage dump. Or right beside it would be more accurate. Why on earth would anyone want to develop this land?

I won't continue my anti-development diatribe. But I will say that I don't get it, and I hope the development will be small and cyclist friendly.

At any rate, I was successful in not letting it spoil my 3 hour ride.

Back to the pool tomorrow morning, then a run before work; most likely 7 or 8 kilometers. If I am feeling good after work in the afternoon, I'll jump on the bike for an easy 1.5 hour: spin the legs out etc.

I'm off to make dinner now; tonight is sauteed brocolli and pork with tons of ginger and garlic and I think I'll make a sweet bell pepper salad with madarin orange ginger sauce. Or maybe it will all get kicked into a big stir-fry - yah, that's what I'm eating.


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