It's been so long...
that I actually forgot my password.
Just a quick update. I've been struggling with my health for a few months now. Nothing hospital worthy, but just not getting any string of healthy weeks together to accomplish anything that could be described as consistent training.
As a result, I'm feeling like I've gained too much weight, feel sluggish in the pool, and heavy on the run. Biking has just been pretty much none existent.
Good news is, despite my general lack of health and fitness, I've had plenty of time to focus on school and I'm almost done. ETA to grad is July 07! Can't wait.
I've been running a lot these past few weeks in an effort to shed the pounds, and have really found some of the old love for running I had back when I was marathoning. I've decided to race a 10K in April, a half-marathon in May, and if I don't get into Ironman I will train up for the Victoria Marathon in October. Christine and I are getting married, likely in late October, so it should be a great month.
That's it for now.