A New Inspiration
Have you ever found that life just seems to work out? That what you need is sometimes given to you precisely when you need it; especially when you can't identify what it is that you need?
I had an experience this week that fell into that realm of my world. I 'met' a new friend this week. I can only use the word met loosely, because somehow meeting someone through the internet still doesn't seem to replace the real thing for me... but this 'meeting' was extremely positive none-the-less.
I bet your curious now aren't you? You are probably thinking: "Oh my, John's signed onto an internet dating site". Benny, you're probably thinking: "Oh my, does Christine, John's fiance, know what he's up to when she's not looking?"
Sorry to disappoint. I guess I should apologize on two accounts, first off my bad attempt at some humour, and secondly, for misleading you all into thinking that suddenly this blog might get juicy. Its not: funny nor juicy. Sorry.
Ok, now that that ramble is over, let me get into the main point here:
I have been having a hard time training lately. The last few months I have been working in a 9-5 Monday-Friday job and really haven't been able to focus on training. I still train, just not with the same mental focus or intensity. I have been feeling frustrated as of late, because I haven't been able to keep up with my training partner on the run - and I used to have no problem doing that - and that Dawn is even swimming faster than me - and she NEVER used to be able to do that. Unfortunately I am a competitive person and these realities were creating some issues for me.
Then in a totally unrelated event, a gentleman named Charlie got in touch with me through my website. He had some extremely complementary things to say to me; and his race resume is extremely complementary to him. I was deeply touched. And deeply inspired. Charlie has an ostomy like me: different diseases, different ostomies, but same none-the-less. I needed Charlie to get in touch with me this past week. I don't think Charlie knew that, and I know that I didn't know it.
Yesterday, I had a great swim and a fantastic bike ride out in the sun. I felt alive and motivated; I felt smooth and fast in the water; I felt strong and motivated on the bike. I feel inspired to write today too! And judging from the lack of blog entries over the past two months you know I needed that inspiration desperately! So this entry is dedicated to my new friend Charlie, who approached me unknowing that I needed a deep impact to motivate and inspire me. I view this as a gift greater than any material possession - it is a gift of spirit. Who knew that the internet would become a tool of spirit?
PS: Benny, can't wait for you to get here so we can get our bike on... them's gonna be days of pain: more likely for me than for you but great anyway I look at it!